Éminence Grise Female Lead Is Trying to Make Me Her Stepmom
Éminence Grise Female Lead Is Trying to Make Me Her Stepmom

Éminence Grise Female Lead Is Trying to Make Me Her Stepmom

Author: 목감기,하리힌
Reviews: 3.9/5 from 16148 times.



Read Éminence Grise Female Lead Is Trying to Make Me Her Stepmom /The Villain is Trying to Make Me a Stepmom / 흑막여주가 날 새엄마로 만들려고 해 / GOBY / GOLDBABY

I have transported as civilian 1 into the “tragic novel” I wrote with my friends for fun. Since he declares revolution in order to change his daughter’s unhappy future. If I leave it like this then many lives are in danger. “I will protect the female lead!” That’s how I started to live with the daughter stupid duke. But the small female lead is a bit strange for some reason.
The female lead is the stepdaughter of the mother who married the male lead, so since childhood, the male lead doesn’t like the female lead. He has a younger sister named Nhuo Hy, she loves her brother very much, so she always acts weak to win his affection.